Rick Gethro Macajoux - Food Wave

Rick Gethro Macajoux

31, France, Dijon 2nd EatingCity workshop

It was a really great experience for me to interact with people from all over the world, sharing the same concern and the same vision for the food system. I could obviously feel the empowerment for climate action

How do you address climate change?
Share with us your “recipe”!

Being an actor within the environmental and the food sectors, I am currently working on innovative approaches to propel both sectors torwards sustainability. I first started to work in environmental restoration by implementing hands on projects to bring ecosystems back to their natural states.

At Food Wave, sustainability is our vision. We identify specific actions that need to be taken, empower young leaders, and we regard nature as a life maintaining element. Your ideas, our ideas: we can find solutions to combat climate change.

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