Tutti insieme sostenibilmente - Food Wave

Tutti insieme sostenibilmente

12 June 2023 | 18:00 - 20:00
MindtheGAP ETS

The introductory event of our review. At this event, our association will have the opportunity to present, together with institutions and other participating associations, the main focus of the Food Wave project. The event will include interactive talks, a Human Library workshop activity and finally an aperitivo offered with products from our GAP.


About MindtheGAP ETS

MindtheGAP is a Milan-based newborn association founded in 2023. The association is working in 3 different spaces in various neighbourhoods of Milan (Gallaratese, Gorla and Barona), to start a project called "Gruppo di Acquisto Popolare" (GAP). The Gruppo di Acquisto Popolare reflects the better-known concept of the Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale ("solidarity/ethical purchasing group"), implementing a social aspect that relies on what is donated by members, so that organic, quality food can also reach the tables of people in economic hardship.