Integration activity for the Ukrainian and Polish youth in schools - Food Wave

Integration activity for the Ukrainian and Polish youth in schools

14 May 2023 - 19 May 2023
City of Warsaw

The workshop consists of four thematic stages:

  1. During the concept workshops in secondary schools in Warsaw facilitators and participants (Polish and Ukrainian youth aged 15-19) will design a garden together, starting with a short game on the impact of food purchasing, consumption and waste habits on climate change and possible positive solutions. The main goal is to better integrate the two groups of young people and open them up to interacting with each other by carrying out joint activities related to changing food habits for the climate.
  2. Stage II will allow participants to see cultural similarities and feel more at ease in a mixed Polish-Ukrainian group, as well as to take joint climate action. Young people will plant vegetables/herbs, and learn about home-growing methods and the principles of caring for plants in order to reduce food waste. Then they will have a meal with traditional Polish and Ukrainian dishes. A discussion on Polish and Ukrainian cuisine will allow them to get to know each other better and break down barriers.
  3. During the concept workshops in one of the accommodation centers for Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw facilitators and participants (Ukrainian residents aged 7-80) will design a vegetable garden together, starting with a discussion on gardening customs and plant cultivation in Ukraine (including a multi-generational audience.
  4. A vegetable/fruit/herb planting workshop, which will not only allow participants to learn about home-growing methods, the tools and products needed to do so, and the principles of caring for home-growing to reduce food waste – but will also provide an opportunity for integration within a multi-generational group of residents.



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