Generation Hope: Act for the Planet - Food Wave

Generation Hope: Act for the Planet

20 March 2023 | 11:00 - 25 March 2023 | 21:00

ReLondon will be running a dynamic pop-up at the Natural History Museum’s ‘Generation Hope: Act for the Planet’ festival from March 20th – 25th. The free programme of inspiring workshops, panels and talks have been created in partnership with young people, for young people aged 16+, helping them get to grips with the science, understanding the impacts of the planetary emergency and strengthening their own skills. From reducing food waste to embracing planet-friendly diets, ReLondon’s Food Wave stall will teach participants how they can help tackle climate change, one meal at a time.

Artwork by Ellis Lewis-Dragstra

Artwork by Ellis Lewis-Dragstra for Food Wave's pop up at Generation Hope


About ReLondon

ReLondon is LWARB, renamed – a partnership of the Mayor of London and London’s boroughs to improve waste and resource management in the capital and accelerate our transition to a low carbon circular city. Our mission is to make London a global leader in sustainable ways to live, work and prosper by revolutionising our relationship with stuff and helping London waste less and reuse, repair, share and recycle more.


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