Food Wave presentation at "Terra Madre Salone del Gusto" - Food Wave

Food Wave presentation at “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto”

16 December 2020
City of Turin

Terra Madre

A presentation of Food Wave in the framework of Terra Madre, Salone del Gusto in Turin. The project is the latest educational initiative for development and global citizenship promoted by Tthe City of Turin in the field of food and sustainability, following in the footsteps of 4Cities4Dev: Good, clean and fair food for all: the experience of food communities (2011-2013), Food Smart Cities For Development (Dear 2015-2016) and The recipes of dialogue (Aics-Ecg 2017-2019).

Meet the speakers

Marco Alessandro Giusta

Councillor for Rights, youth policies, multiculturalism and international cooperation

Maria Bottiglieri

International Cooperation and Peace Office City of Turin

Serena Alaimo

Slow Food

Florence Egal

Medical Nutritionist, former FAO and MUFPP expert Maurizia Sandrini, LVIA

Emanuela Vita

Municipality of Milan, Project Manger Food Wave

Federica Candelaresi

BJCEM (Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée)

Gaetano Capizzi

Festival CinemAmbiente

Ivano Casalegno

Arteria Onlus Association

Bernardo Scursatone

Founder at Monkeys Evolution

About City of Turin

Torino looks to the future believing that the path undertaken in previous years, together with the dense programme of actions underway, will allow the city to carry out an extremely significant urban transformation, but also a perhaps even more profound identity transition towards a Sustainable and Resilient city.


More information here

Food Wave presentation in the framework of Terra Madre, Salone del Gusto in Turin. Watch the full recording of the event.