Food, climate change and cinema: Food Wave at Milano Film Festival - Food Wave

Food, climate change and cinema: Food Wave at Milano Film Festival

9 October 2021 | 18:30 - 21:00

The special event “Food, climate change and cinema: Food Wave at Milano Film Festival” has the aim to increase the awareness on the food/climate nexus through a panel discussion and a special screening of a movie focused on this topic. The discussion, moderated by Tommaso Perrone, director of LifeGate media, will involve the Italian spokesperson for Fridays for Future Martina Comparelli and the Food Wave activists Giulia Secci and Gianluigi Marra who are going to exchange thoughts and experiences with Florencia Di Stefano-Abichain , content creator, speaker, author and presenter, particularly engaged and committed to sustainability and climate change issues. The discussion will be followed by the screening of a movie addressing the food/climate nexus chosen by Florencia, which is going to be revelaed to the audience by the influencer itself on the event night: suprise!


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