School of activism - Food Wave

School of activism

3 February 2021 - 3 March 2021
Groundwork Manchester

The school of activism in Manchester is going to be managed online via Zoom; the four modules lasting three hours each are going to be focused on the following topics:

• Introduction to the local, Manchester context and familiarisation with local climate forward organisations, citizen, and corporate engagement; • Food production – urban/ community gardens and social cohesion, organic horticulture and job opportunities in sustainable food production;

• Nutrition and wellbeing

• Policy and youth activism: connection to international sustainability festivals/events, increasing citizen engagement and project outreach.



About Groundwork Manchester

Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK. Groundwork was established in 1981 as a radical experiment to bring together communities, businesses and government in a joint effort to improve the quality of life and promote sustainable development in places that had become run-down and neglected.