The current world food system is responsible for one third of greenhouse gas emissions and, at the same time, is one of the economic sectors which are most affected by global warming. Changing the way we are producing and consuming food is therefore one of the main challenges to face if we want to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Our cities are the first place where we need to act if we want to have an impact, as they are responsible for both 80% of overall CO2 emissions and 80% of global GDP.
The School of Activism “Food, Climate and the City “, promoted by Mani Tese within Food Wave, has the aim to improve the technical and political skills and knowledges of 30 young activists from 20 to 35 years old and lay the foundations for a strong collaboration between youth networks, associations, NGOs and local authorities in view of Youth COP and the Pre-COP that are going to be hosted in Milan in September 2021.